Founder of the Otopathology Laboratory



Dr. Michael M. Paparella, MD

Founder, Otopathology Laboratory

Clinical professor and Chairman Emeritus

University of Minnesota

Founder - International hearing foundation 

email: [email protected]

Curriculum Vitae

Principal investigators & lab leadership

Dr. Meredith Adams
Picture Rafael

Dr. Sebahattin Cureoglu, MD

Principal Investigator, Otopathology Laboratory


Associate professor

University of Minnesota


Dr. Meredith Adams, MD

Principal Investigator, Otopathology Laboratory

Associate Professor

Chief, Division of Otology & Neurotology

University of Minnesota


Dr. Rafael Monsanto, MD PhD

Co-Investigator, Otopathology Laboratory


Assistant Professor

University of Minnesota


Laboratory Staff

Picture of Nevra Keskin-Yilmaz
Picture of Richard Har
Picture of Martin Leyhe

Nevra Keskin-Yilmaz, DVM, PhD

Researcher 5

Otopathology Laboratory

University of Minnesota

Richard Har, BS

Lab Researcher / Technician

Otopathology Laboratory

University of Minnesota

Martin Leyhe, BS

Lab Researcher / Technician

Otopathology Laboratory

University of Minnesota

Program Coordinator

Picture of Gregory Langen


Gregory Langen

Program Coordinator, Otopathology Laboratory

Fellows and students

Tomotaka Shimura
Picture of Dilshan Rajan

Tomotaka Shimura, MD PhD (Japan)

Research Fellow, Otopathology Laboratory

University of Minnesota


Dilshan Rajan

Student Volunteer, Otopathology Laboratory

University of Minnesota


List of Biographies

Contact information


(+1) 612-626-9875

Research collaborations and Fellowship applications:

Email: [email protected]