List of publications: 

1. "A High-Frequency Microvibrator: Bioacoustical Effects." MM Paparella. Arch Otolaryngol 74:220-28, 1961.

2. "Acoustic Trauma from the Bone Cutting Bur."  MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 72: (1):116-26, 1962.

3. "Surgical Techniques for Otological & Auditory Research: Abstract of a Motion Picture." MM Paparella, A Hohmann. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 71(1):203-12, 1962. Trans Am Otol Soc 49:301-10, 1961

4. "Mucosal Cyst of the Maxillary Sinus: Diagnosis & Management." MM Paparella. Arch Otolaryngol 77:650-57, 1963

5. "Unusual Foreign Body of Trachea & Intrinsic Bee Sting of Larynx: Clinical Record." MM Paparella. J.Laryngol Otol 78(1):89-92, 1964.

6. “Enzyme Studies in Serous Otitis Media." MM Paparella, WR Dito. Arch Otolaryngol 79:393-98, 1964.

7. "Traumatic Fracture of the Stapes." FG Arragg, MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 74 (9):1329-32, 1964.

8. "Mastoiditis & Chronic Otitis Media: A Discussion of Current Concepts of Surgical Management." MM Paparella. Ohio State Med J 61(11):989-92, 1965

9. "Experimental Tympanoplasty in the Squirrel Monkey." MM Paparella. Excerpta Med Int Congre Ser, Tokyo, Japan 113:300 -02, 1965.

10. "Surgical Treatment for Chronic Stenosing External Otitis. (Including Finding of Unusual Canal Tumor.)" MM Paparella, JM Kurkjian. Laryngoscope 76(2):232-45, 1966.

11. “Squirrel Monkey Head Holder." MM Paparella. Arch Otolaryngol 83:129-30, 1966.

12. "Otosclerosis & Vertigo" MM Paparella , WD Chasin. J Laryngol Otol 80(5):511-19, 1966.

13. "Surgical Treatment of Intractable External Otitis." MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 76(6):1136-47, 1966.

14. "Inner Ear Pathology After Experimental Stapedectomy." MM Paparella, JJ Lim, S Sugiura, A Bolz. Arch Otolaryngol 84: 154-64, 1966.

15. "The Effect of Trauma in Causing Cochlear Losses After Stapedectomy." MM Paparella. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 62:33-43, 1966.

16. "Surgical Approach to Deafness in Children." MM Paparella. Postgrad Med 41(2):182-89, 1967.

17. "Pathogenesis & Pathology of the `Idiopathic' Blue Ear Drum." MM Paparella, DJ Lim. Arch Otolaryngol 85:35-44, 1967.

18. "Ultrastructure of the Eustachian Tube & Middle Ear Mucosa in the Guinea Pig." D Lim, MM Paparella, RS Kimura. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockholm) 63:425-44, 1967.

19. "Pathology & Treatment of Chronic Otitis Media." MM Paparella. Univ Minn Med Bull 38: (10) 312-14, 1967.

20. "Management of the Ossicles in Tympanoplasty: Consideration of Techniques." MM Paparella. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 64:81-93, 1967.

21. "The Pathology of Suppurative Labyrinthitis." MM Paparella, S Sugiura. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 76(3):486-554, 1967.

22. "Experimental Tympanoplasty." MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 77(10): 1755-94, 1967.

23. "The Pathology of Labyrinthine Ossification." S Sugiura, MM Paparella Laryngoscope 77(11): 1974-89, 1967.

24. "Inner Ear Pathology Following Stapedectomy in Animals" MM Paparella, DJ Lim, SSugiura Amer Acad Ophth & Oto Transactions May-June, 1967

25. "Silicones in Middle Ear Reconstructive Surgery." MM Paparella, S Sugiura. J Laryngol Otol 82(1): 29-40, 1968.

26. "Early External Auditory Canal Tumors." CR Nelms,Jr, MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 78(6): 986-1001, 1968.

27. "Sensorineural Deafness in Childhood." MM Paparella, LE Winter. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 72: 782-88, 1968.

28. "The Consultant." MM Paparella. Med Tribune 10(2): 8, 1969.

29. "Ultrastructure of Normal Human Middle Ear Mucosa: Preliminary Report." IKawabata, MM Paparella. Annals Otol Rhinol Laryngol 78(1):125-37, 1969.

30. "Postoperative Complications of Stapedectomy: Hydrops; Perilymph Fistula; Regrowth of Otosclerosis; Prosthetic Dislocations." HP House, V Carlos, T Cawthorne, FR Guilford, WH Harrison, M.M. Paparella, H.F. Schuknecht, J.J. Shea. Arch Otolaryngol 89(2): 200-08, 1969.

31. "Atypical Cilia in Normal Human & Guinea Pig Middle Ear Mucosa." IKawabata, MM Paparella. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 67: 511-15, 1969.

32. "Otolaryngological Disorders in Craniometaphysial Dysplasia." G Kietzer, MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 79(5): 921-41, 1969.

33. "Otalgia." CR Nelms Jr, MM Paparella. MN Med : 955-58, 1969.

34. "Familial Progressive Sensorineural Deafness." MM Paparella, S Sugiura, T Hoshino. Arch Otolaryngol 90: 70-7, 1969

35. "Ultrastructure of the Glomus Jugulare Tumor." I Kawabata, AJ Duvall, MM Paparella. Arch Klin Exp Ohr-Nas-Kehlk Heilk 195: 97-108, 1969.

36. "Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Chronic Otitis Media and Mastoiditis." MM Paparella, DR Brady, R Hoel. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 74: 108-15, 1970.

37. "Neurinoma of the Facial & Acoustic Nerve." T Hoshino, MM Paparella. Arch Otolaryngol 91: 291-93, 1970.

38. "Apical Basilar Membrane Herniations & Hydrops." THoshino, MM Paparella. Arch Otolaryngol 92: 114-17, 1970.

39. "Cellular Events Involved in Middle Ear Fluid Production." MM Paparella, F Hiraide, SK Juhn, Y Kaneko. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 79(4): 766-79, 1970. Trans Am Otol Soc 58: 113-27, 1970.

40. "Fine Structure of the Round Window Membrane." Kawabata, MM Paparella. Rhinol Laryngol 80(1): 13-26, 1971.

41. "Biochemical Analyses of Middle Ear Effusions: Preliminary Report." SK Juhn, JS Huff, MM Paparella. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 80(3): 347-53, 1971.

42. "Histochemistry of the Normal Eustachian Tube." F Hiraide, MM Paparella. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 72(5): 310-19, 1971.

43. "Middle Ear Epithelium in the Presence of Experimental Effusion." Y Kaneko, MM Paparella. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 72: 206-14, 1971.

44. “Primary & Metastatic Tumors of the Temporal Bone." GL Adams, MM Paparella, FM El Fiky. Laryngoscope 81(8): 1273-85, 1971.

45. "Middle Ear Muscle Anomalies." T Hoshino, MM Paparella.Arch Otolaryngol 94: 235-39, 1971.

46. "Middle Ear Epithelium of Squirrel Monkey." Y Kaneko, F Hiraide, MM Paparella. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 72: 85-92, 1971.

47. "Experiences with Stapedectomy in Cases of Tympanoplasty." MM Paparella, GL Jurgens.Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 76(1): 147-52, 1972.

48. "Mondini's Deafness." MM Paparella, FM el Fiky. Arch Otolaryngol 95(2): 134-50, 1972.

49. "Ear Involvement in Malignant Lymphoma." MM Paparella, FM el Fiky. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 81(3): 352-63, 1972.

50. "Vascular Changes in Middle Ear Effusions." F Hiraide, MM Paparella. Arch Otolaryngol 96(1): 45-51, 1972.

51. "Three New Middle Ear Ventilation Tubes." GL Jurgens, MM Paparella. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 76: 1017-19, 1972.

52. "Histochemical Characteristics of Normal Middle Ear Mucosa." F Hiraide, MM Paparella. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 74: 45-56, 1972.

53. "The Dizzy Patient." MM Paparella. Postgrad Med 52(2): 97-102, 1972.

54. "Pathology of Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Otitis Media." MM Paparella, M Oda, F Hiraide, D Brady. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 81(5): 632-47, 1972. Trans Am Otol Soc 60: 26-43, 1972.

55. "Bell's Palsy." Panel discussion moderated by MM Paparella. Arch Otolaryngol 97: 224-26, 1973.

56. "Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity & Isoenzyme Patterns in Serous Middle Ear Effusions." SK Juhn, JS Huff, MM Paparella. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 82(2): 192-95, 1973.

57. "Evaluation of the Air Caloric Test as a Routine Examination Procedure." MJ Capps, MC Preciado, MM Paparella, WE Hoppe Laryngoscope 83(7): 1013-21, 1973.

58. "Otological Manifestations of Leukemia." MM Paparella, NT Berlinger, M Oda, FM el Fiky. Laryngoscope 83(9): 1510-26, 1973.

59. "Otological Manifestations of Viral Disease." MM Paparella. Adv Otorhinolaryngol 20: 144-54, 1973.

60. "Labyrinthine Pathology of Chronic Renal Failure Patients Treated with Hemodialysis & Kidney Transplantation." M Oda, MC Preciado, CA Quick, MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 84(9): 1489-1506, 1974.

61. "Common Hearing Disorders: Methods of Diagnosis & Treatment." RH Mathog, MM Paparella, J Huff, L Siegel, F Lassman, M Bozarth. Geriatrics 29(8): 49-88, 1974.

62. "Bell's Palsy: Drugs or Decompression?" R Boles, DA Brackman, MM Paparella, FH McGovern, ELHendershot. Mod Med 42(17): 30-9, 1974.

63. "Granulomatous Reaction in Experimental Stapedectomy." RGromer, GKietzer, M Oda, MM Paparella. Arch Otolaryngol 100(3): 168-70, 1974.

64. "Ear Training." MM Paparella. Trans Am Acad Ophthalmol Otolaryngol 80(41): 401-4, 1974.

65. "How I Treat Otitis Media." MM Paparella, EA Mortimer, Jr., LJ Rutledge. Med Tribune 18-24, 1975.

66. "Genetic Sensorineural Deafness in Adults." MM Paparella, DG Hanson, KN Rao, R Ulvestad. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 84(4): 459-72, 1975. Trans Am Otol Soc 63: 116-29, 1975.

67. "Conventional Methods to Detect Acute Otitis Media 'Inadequate'." BF Jaffe, MM Paparella, B Jazbi. Ped News 10(1): 40-1, 1976.

68. "Blue Ear Drum & Its Management." MM Paparella. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 85(2)(Suppl 25): 293-95, 1976.

69. "Certain Oxidative & Hydrolytic Enzymes in the Middle Ear Effusion in Serous Otitis Media." SK Juhn, JS Huff, MM Paparella. Arch Otorhinolaryngol 212(2): 119-25, 1976.

70. "Middle Ear Effusions: Definitions and Terminology." MM Paparella. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 85(2)(Suppl 25): 8-11, 1976.

71. "Pathogenesis of Middle Ear Effusions." MM Paparella. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 85(2)(Suppl 25): 63-5, 1976.

72. "Summation of Symposium." MM Paparella. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 85(2)(Suppl 25): 296-99, 1976.

73. "Endolymphatic Sac Drainage for Intractable Vertigo (Methods & Experiences)." MM Paparella, DG Hanson. Laryngoscope 86(5): 697-703, 1976.

74. "Meningiomas of the Temporal Bone." J Guzowski, MM Paparella, KN Rao, T Hoshino. Laryngoscope 86(8): 1141-46, 1976.

75. "Experimentally Induced Acute Otitis Media--An Animal Model." SK Juhn, GS Giebink, DG Hanson, MM Paparella. Arch Otorhinolaryngol 215(1): 95-96, 1977.

76. "Hearing Loss--A Common Medical Responsibility." MM Paparella. Postgrad Med 62(4): 93- 139, 1977.

77. "Hearing Loss: The Physician's Responsibility." MM Paparella. Postgrad Med 62(4): 94-98, 1977.

78. "Pathogenesis of Otitis Media." SK John, MM Paparella, CS Kim, MV Goycoolea, S Giebink. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 86(4): 481-92, 1977.

79. "Otologic Surgery in Children." MM Paparella. Otolaryngol Clin North Am 10(1): 145-51, 1977.

80. "Presbycusis: What Is It?" SH Lowell, MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 87(10): 1710-17, 1977.

81. "Mastoidectomy Update." MM Paparella, CS Kim. Laryngoscope 87(12): 1977-88, 1977.

82. "Cambios Patologicos de las Ventanas Oval y Redonda en Otitis Media; un Estudio Experimental en el Gato." M Goycoolea, MM Paparella, AM Carpenter, SK Juhn. Rev Otorrinolaryngol 38(3): 86-88, 1978.

83. "Diagnosing the Cause of Hearing Loss." WL Meyerhoff, MM Paparella. Geriatrics 33(2): 95-9, 1978.

84. "Meatoplasty." MM Paparella, WL Meyerhoff. Laryngoscope 88(2): 357-59, 1978.

85. "Symposium on Hearing Loss--The Otolaryngologist's Responsibility. Introduction." MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 88(6): 949-51, 1978.

86. "Symposium on Hearing Loss--The Otolaryngologist's Responsibility. Discussion." MM Paparella, WL Meyerhoff, J Pulec, A Carney. Laryngoscope 88(6): 980-81, 1978.

87. "Differential Diagnosis of Hearing Loss." MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 88(6): 951-60, 1978.

88. "Lactate Dehydrogenase As a Measure of Inflammation in Experimental Otitis Media." DG Hanson, SK Juhn, GS Giebink, MM Paparella. Arch Otolaryngol 104(6): 333-35, 1978.

89. "Oval & Round Window Changes in Otitis Media: An Experimental Study in the Cat." MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, AM Carpenter, SK Juhn. Surg Forum 29: 578-80, 1978.

90. "Mastoiditis & Brain Hernia (Mastoiditis Cerebri)." MM Paparella, WL Meyerhoff, CA Oliviera. Laryngoscope 88(7): 1097-1106, 1978.

91. "Meniere's Disease in Children." WL Meyerhoff, MM Paparella, D Shea. Laryngoscope 88(9): 1504-11, 1978.

92. “Hypercholesterolemia and Auditory Dysfunction (Experimental Studies)." T Morizono, MM Paparella. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 87(6): 804-14, 1978.

93. "Pathology of Chronic Otitis Media." WL Meyerhoff, CS Kim, MM Paparella. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 87(6): 749-60, 1978.

94. "Endolymphatic Hydrops and Otitis Media." MM Paparella, MV Goycoolea, WL Meyerhoff, D Shea. Laryngoscope 89(1): 43-54, 1979

95. "The Endolymphatic Sac: Anatomical Considerations." DA Shea, RA Chole, MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 89(1): 88-94, 1979.

96. "Air Caloric Testing in Otitis Media (Preliminary Studies)." MM Paparella, L Rybak, WL Meyerhoff. Laryngoscope 89(5): 708-14, 1979.

97. "Tympanoplasty for Atelectatic Ears." MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 89(8): 1345-46, 1979.

98. "A Longitudinal Study of Cellular Changes in Experimental Otitis Media." MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, AM Carpenter, SK Juhn. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 87(5): 685-700, 1979.

99. "Mycotic Infections of the Inner Ear." WL Meyerhoff, MM Paparella, M Oda, D Shea. Laryngoscope 89(11): 1725-34, 1979.

100. “Infiltration of the Tensor Tympani and Stapedius Muscles in Otitis Media. An Experimental Study in the Cat." MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, AM Carpenter. Int J Ped Otorhinolaryngol 1(3): 231-39, 1979.

101. "Otitis Media: Definitions & Terminology." MM Paparella, SK Juhn Otitis Media: Proceedings of Second National Conference on Otitis Media. Eds. Wiet, Coulthard. Columbus, OH: Ross Laboratories, Pp 2-8, 1979

102. "Permeability of the Middle Ear to Staphylococcal Pyrogenic Exotoxin in Otitis Media.” MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, B Goldberg, P.M. Schlievert, A.M. Carpenter. Int J Ped Otorhinolaryngol 1:301-08, 1980.

103. "Mondini's Deafness: A Review of Histopathology." MM Paparella. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 89(2)(Suppl 67, part 3): 1-10, 1980.

104. "Ganglia & Ganglion Cells in the Middle Ear of the Cat." MV Goycoolea, AM Carpenter, MM Paparella, SK Juhn. Arch Otolaryngol 106: 269-1, 1980.

105. "Permeability of the Round Window Membrane in Otitis Media." MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, B Goldberg, AM Carpenter. Arch Otolaryngol 106(7): 430-33, 1980.

106. "Cells Involved in the Middle Ear Defense System." MV Goycoolea, SK Juhn, MM Paparella, AM Carpenter. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 89(3)(Suppl 89): 121-28, 1980.

107. "Inner Ear Pathology & Otitis Media: A Review." MM Paparella, MV Goycoolea, WL Meyerhoff. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 89(3)(Suppl 68): 249-53, 1980.

108. "Silent Otitis Media." MM Paparella, D Shea, WL Meyerhoff, MV Goycoolea. Laryngoscope 90(7): 1089-98, 1980.

109. "Sac Decompression for Refractory Luetic Vertigo." MM Paparella, CS Kim, DA Shea. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 89(5-6): 541-46, 1980.

110. "Hearing Loss Following Potassium Bromate: Two Case Reports." I Matsumoto, T Morizono, MM Paparella. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 88: 625-29, 1980.

111. "Meniere's Disease & Its Various Surgical Therapies." WL Meyerhoff, MM Paparella. Otolaryngol Clin North Am 13(4)(Suppl 13): 767-73, 1980.

112. "Ototoxicity of Propylene Glycol in Experimental Animals." T Morizono, MM Paparella, SK Juhn. Am Journal Otol 1(5): 393-99, 1980.

113. "Oval & Round Window Changes in Otitis Media Potential Pathways Between Middle & Inner Ear." MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, AMCarpenter. Laryngoscope 90: 1387-91, 1980.

114. "Otitis Media with Perforation in the Tympanic Membrane: A Longitudinal Experimental Study." MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, SK Juhn, AM Carpenter. Laryngoscope 90: 2037-45, 1980.

115. "Canalplasty for Chronic Intractable External Otitis & Keratosis Obturans." MM Paparella, MV Goycoolea. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 89: 440-43, 1981.

116. "The Round Window Membrane Following Application of Staphylococcal Exotoxin: An Electron Microscopic Study." PA Schachern, MM Paparella, MV Goycoolea, B Goldberg, PM Schlievert. Laryngoscope 91: 2007-16, 1981.

117. "Experience with Tympanoplasty for Atelectatic Ears." MM Paparella, TTK Jung. Laryngoscope 91: 1472-77, 1981.

118. "Clinical Evaluation of Meniere's Disease." WL Meyerhoff, MM Paparella, FK Gudbrandsson. Laryngoscope 91: 1663-68, 1981.

119. "Endolymphatic Sac Enhancement Surgery for Meniere's Disease: An Extension of Conservations Therapy" MM Paparella, MV Goycoolea. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 90: 610-15, 1981.

120. "Insidious Labyrinthine Changes in Otitis Media." MM Paparella. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 92: 513-20, 1981.

121. "Clinical Application of Middle Ear Effusion Analyses." SK Juhn, WL Meyerhoff, MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 91: 1012-15, 1981.

122. "Passage of Albumin from Middle to the Inner Ear in Otitis Media in the Chinchilla. B Goldberg, MV Goycoolea, PM Schlievert, DShea, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, AM Carpenter. Am J Otol 2(3): 210-14, 1981.

123. "Ganglia & Ganglion Cells in the Middle Ear: Their Presence in the Human & the Cat" MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, AM Carpenter. Arch Otolaryngol 108: 276-78, 1982.

124. "Exploratory Tympanotomy Revisited." MM Paparella, S Koutroupas. Laryngoscope 92: 531-34, 1982.

125. "Current Treatment of Otitis Media Based on Pathogenesis Studies." MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 92(3): 292-96, 1982.

126. "The Normal Chinchilla Round Window Membrane." PA Schachern, MM Paparella, AJ Duvall. Arch Otolaryngol 108: 550-54, 1982.

127. "Meniere's Disease and the Peak Audiogram." MM Paparella, JC McDermott, LCA deSousa. Arch Otolaryngol 108:555-59, 1982.

128. "Epidemiology of Otitis Media with Effusion in Children." GS Giebink, CT Le, MM Paparella. Arch Otolaryngol 108: 563-66, 1982.

129. "Research Funding." CD Bluestone, JW Bordley, HP House, MS Karlan, MM Paparella, FB Simmons. First National Conference on Research Goals and Methods in Otolaryngology: Recommendations of the Writing Group. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 91(Suppl 100): 1982.

130. "Clinical Significance of Granulation Tissue in Chronic Otitis Media" MM Paparella, WL Meyerhoff. Proceedings IInd Int'l. Conf. Cholesteatoma & Mastoid Surgery, Tel Aviv, Israel Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, 1982

131. "Genesis of Granulation Tissue in Animals" MM Paparella, P Schachern, D Shea Proceedings IInd Int'l Conf Cholesteatoma & Mastoid Surgery, Tel Aviv, Israel Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, 1982

132. "Hearing Results & Limitations in Postoperative Cholesteatoma Ears" MM Paparella Proceedings IInd Int'l Conf Cholesteatoma & Mastoid Surgery, Tel Aviv, Israel Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, 1982

133. "What Have We Learned" - Epilogue. Summary of Conference MM Paparella. Proceedings IInd Int'. Conf Cholesteatoma & Mastoid Surgery, Tel Aviv, Israel Kugler Publication, Amsterdam, 1982

134. "Children with Persistent Otitis Media." JC McDermott, GS Giebink, CT Le, ER Harford, MM Paparella. Arch Otolaryngol 109:360-63, 1983.

135. "Intact Bridge Tympanomastoidectomy (I.B.M.)--Combining Essential Features of Open vs. Closed Procedures." MM Paparella, TTK Jung. Laryngol Otol 97(7): 579-85, 1983.

136. "Current Concepts in Otitis Media." MM Paparella. Henry Ford Hosp Med Journal 31(1): 30-36, 1983.

137. "Trauma & Meniere's Syndrome." MM Paparella, F Mancini. Laryngoscope 93: 1004-12, 1983.

138. "Meniere's Syndrome & Otitis Media." MM Paparella, LC deSousa, F Mancini. Laryngoscope 93: 1408-15, 1983.

139. "The Round Window Membrane: Otological Observations." MM Paparella, PA Schachern, YB Choo. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 92:629-34, 1983.

140. "Quiet Labyrinthine Complications from Otitis Media." MM Paparella. J Laryngol Otol (Suppl 8): 53-58, 1983.

141. "The Human Round Window Membrane." PA Schachern, MM Paparella, AJ Duvall, YB Choo. Arch Otolaryngol 110: 15-21, 1984.

142. "A Metastatic Glomus Jugulare Tumor: A Temporal Bone Report." FM El Fiky, MM Paparella. Am J Otol 5(3): 197-200, 1984.

143. "Mucopolysaccharidosis I-H (Hurler's Syndrome) & Human Temporal Bone Pathology." PA Schachern, DA Shea, MM Paparella. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 93: 65-69, 1984.

144. "Bilaterality of Meniere's Disease." MM Paparella, MS Griebie. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 9(3-4): 233-37, 1984.

145. "Review of Sensorineural Hearing Loss." MM Paparella. Amer J Otol 5(4): 311-14, 1984.

146. "Intact-Bridge Tympanomastoidectomy." MM Paparella, TTK Jung. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 92(3): 334-38, 1984.

147. "Pathology of Meniere's Disease." MM Paparella. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol (Suppl) 112 Vol 93: 31-35, 1984.

148. "Otosclerosis & Endolymphatic Hydrops." SL Liston, MM Paparella, F Mancini, JH Anderson. Laryngoscope 94(8): 1003-07, 1984.

149. "Pathogenesis of Meniere's Disease & Meniere's Syndrome." MM Paparella. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) (Suppl) 406: 10-25, 1984.

150. "How To Achieve Progressive Clinical Responsibility." (editorial). MM Paparella. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 92(5): 493-97, 1984.

151. "Otosclerosis & Meniere's Syndrome: Diagnosis & Treatment." MM Paparella, F Mancini, SL Liston. Laryngoscope 94 (11, part 1): 1414-17, 1984.

152. "Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Otitis Media." MM Paparella, T Morizono, C Le, F Mancini, P Sipila, YB Choo, G Liden, C Kim. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 93(6, part 1): 623-29, 1984.

153. “Vestibular Meniere's Disease." MM Paparella, F Mancini. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 93(2): 148-51, 1985.

154. "The Cause (Multifactorial Inheritance) & Pathogenesis (Malabsorption of Endolymph) of Meniere's Disease & Its Symptoms (Mechanical & Chemical)." MM Paparella. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockholm) 99(3-4): 445-51, 1985.

155. "Subepithelial Space in Otitis Media." MM Paparella, P Sipila, SK Juhn, TTK Jung. Laryngoscope 95(4): 414-20, 1985.

156. "Clinical-Histopathological Correlations in Experimental Otitis Media: Implications for Silent Otitis Media in Humans." GS Giebink, ML Ripley, DH Shea, PF Wright, MM Paparella. Pediatr Res 19(4): 389-96, 1985.

157. "Hyperlipidemia & Noise in the Chinchilla." T Morizono, MH Sikora, WD Ward, MM Paparella, J Jorgensen. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 99(5-6): 516-24, 1985.

158. "Sectioning Temporal Bones with Disposable Knives: A New & Useful Method." S Lamey, PA Schachern, MM Paparella. Laryngoscope 95(11): 1411-12, 1985.

159. "Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Experimental Purulent Otitis Media Due to Streptococcus Pneumoniae." T Morizono, GS Giebink, MM Paparella, MH Sikora, DH Shea. Arch Otolaryngol 111(12): 795-98, 1985.

160. "Strial Concretions in the Inner Ear of Children." F Hiraide, MM Paparella. In: Yasuya and Nomura (eds), Hearing and Dizziness. 100 - 08. Tokyo, Japan, 1985

161. "Die Membran des Runden Fensters Bein Menschen." PA Schachern, MM Paparella, AJ Duvall, YB Choo. Extracta Otorhinolaryngologica Band 7, Heft 2: 84-90, 1985.

162. "Die Membran des Runden Fensters: Otologische Biobachtungen." MM Paparella, PA Schachern, YB Choo. Extracta Otorhinolaryngologica Band 7, Helft 2: 76-83, 1985.

163. "Labyrinthitis." MM Paparella. In: MJ Collins, TJ Glattke, LA Harker (eds), Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Mechanisms, Diagnosis, and Treatment. The Reger Conference. Iowa City, University of Iowa, 1986.

164. "Silent Otitis Media: Clinical Applications." MM Paparella, MV Goycoolea, M Bassiouni, S Koutroupas. Laryngoscope 96(9): 978 - 85, 1986.

165. "Primary & Secondary Tumors of the Facial Nerve. A Temporal Bone Study." TTK. Jung, BH Jun, D Shea, MM Paparella. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 112(12): 1269- 73, 1986.

166. "Diet-Induced Hyperlipidemia & Auditory Dysfunction." MA Sikora, T Morizono, WD Ward, MM Paparella, K Leslie. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 102(5-6): 372-81, 1986.

167. "The Character of Acute & Secretory Otitis Media" MM Paparella Proceedings of the Int'l. Conf. on Acute & Secretory Otitis Media, Part 1, Jerusalem,Israel Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, 1986

168. "How I Do It" - "Mastoidotomy Tympanotomy Approach for Cochlear Implantation." MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, D Muchow. Laryngoscope 97: 766-71, 1987

169. "Thickness of the Human Round Window Membrane in Different Forms of Otitis Media." RS Sahni, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, MV Goycoolea, CT Le. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 113 (6): 630-34, 1987.

170. "The Permeability of the Round Window Membrane During Otitis Media." PA Schachern, MM Paparella, MV Goycoolea, AJ Duvall,III YB Choo. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 113 (6): 625-29, 1987.

171. "Experimental Grafting of the Round Window Membrane: Part I." PA Schachern, MM Paparella, MV Goycoolea. Laryngoscope 97(7): 790-96, 1987.

172. "Endolymphatic Sac Enhancement Principles of Diagnosis and Treatment” MM Paparella, H Sajjadi. Am J Otol 8(4): 294-300, 1987

173. "The Surgical Anatomy & Fine Points of Endolymphatic System Surgery" IK Arenberg, CG Jackson, G Gardner, TS Huang, G Hughes, JG Neely, MM Paparella, RL Steenerson, JW Wright 3d. Panel Discussion. Amer Jour of Oto 8 (4):345-54, 1987

174. "Current Clinical & Pathological Features of Round Window Diseases." MM Paparella, MV Goycoolea, PA Schachern, H Sajjadi. Laryngoscope 97(10): 1151-60, 1987

175. "Cochleovestibular Nerve Sections in Labyrinthectomized Patients." TT Jung, JH Anderson, MM Paparella. Am J Otol 8(2): 155-58, 1987.

176. "Hearing Impairment: A Worldwide Problem, Some Minnesota Solutions." MM Paparella. Guest editor-The Governor's Commission on Promoting Minnesota's Healthcare Resources, 1987.

177. "IBTM: Timpanomastoidectomia De Puente Intacto." MM Paparella, B Bryant, FGarcia, W Hartman. Acta Otorrinolaringologica (Argentina). Presented at the XII Congreso Ibero-Americano De Otoneurologia, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1987.

178. "Healthcare -- A Primary Minnesota Resource." MM Paparella. Governor's Commission on Promoting Minnesota's Healthcare Resources. Guest editorial, 1987.

179. “Mastoidotomy Tympanotomy Approach for Cochlear Implantation” MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, D.Muchow Laryngoscope 97 (6) 766-71, 1987

180. “Primary Surgery for Meniere’s Disease: Destructive Surgery versus Conservative Surgery” MM Paparella, RL Nissen Am J Otol. 8 (1) 66-8, 1987

181. Letters to the Editor - Re: Editorial "Primary Surgery for Meniere's Disease: Destructive Surgery versus Conservative Surgery" MM Paparella, RL Nissen Amer J Otol. Vol. 8 (1) 66, 1987

182. "Endolymphatic Sac Revision for Recurrent Meniere's Disease." MM Paparella, H Sajjadi. Am J Otol 9(6):441-47, 1988

183. "Intact-Bridge Tympanomastoidectomy: Combination of Closed vs Open Method" MM Paparella, MS Morris, SS DaCosta Transactions of the Amer. Otol. Soc. - 26: 154-60, 1988

184. “Multiple Otopathological Disorders." MM Paparella, P Schachern, MV Goycoolea Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 97(1): 14-18, 1988

185. “Perilymphatic Hypertension." MM Paparella, PA Schachern, M Goycoolea Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 99(4) 408-13, 1988 Respiratory News 9 (1): 4-5, 1988

186. “Complications of Inner Ear Surgery: Complications of Endolymphatic System Surgery” Panel Discussion. IK Arenberg, MM Paparella. Amer Jour Otol. 9 (1): 14-22, 1988

187. "Significance of Lateral Sinus & Trautmann's Triangle in Meniere's Disease." MM Paparella, H Sajjadi, SS DaCosta, TH Yoon, CT Le. Archives. 1988

188. "Histopathology of the Temporal Bones of Deaf Dogs." F Hiraide, MM Paparella. Auris Nasus Larynx (Tokyo) 15: (2) 97-104, 1988

189. “Survey of Interactions Between Middle Ear & Inner Ear" MM Paparella, PA Schachern, TH Yoon Acta Otolaryngologica -(Stockh) Suppl 457:9-24, 1989

190. "Diagnosis & Treatment of Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Children" MM Paparella, RY Fox, PA Schachern Otolar Clin N. Amer. 22 (1):51-74, 1989

191. "Developments In Hearing Aid Fitting & Delivery. A Decade of Revolution" DJ Smriga, TP Huber, MM Paparella Otolar. Clin. N. Amer. 22 (1):105-27, 1989

192. "The Flexible/Intact-Bridge Tympanomastoidectomy Technique" M Alleva, MM Paparella, MS Morris, SS da Costa Otolar Clin N. Amer. 22 (1):41-9, 1989

193. "Cholesteatoma & Mastoid Surgery" Summarization of Conference MM Paparella Third International Conf., Copenhagen, Denmark Kugler & Ghedini Publications, Amsterdam, 1989

194. "The Development & Change of the Normal Human Tympanic Membrane With Age" CB Ruah, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Otorhino.Head & Neck Surg. pp. 111-114 Proceedings of XIV World Congress, Madrid, Spain 1989

195. “Recent Advances in Otitis Media. Complications and Sequelae” RJ Ruben, D Bagger-Sjoback, MP Downs, JS Gravel, M Karakashian, M Klein, JO Morizono, MM Paparella Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl 139 (4) 46-55, 1989

196. "Improving Hearing Aid Rehabilitation Through Surgical & Medical Treatment." M Alleva, CB Ruah, MM Paparella. The Hearing Journal 42(4): 17-21, 1989

197. “Recent Advances in Otitis Media. Anatomy, Cell Biology & Pathology." MM Paparella, W Arnold, DJ Lim, TT Jung, WJ Doyle, AR Eden, R Uddman, MV Goycoolea, WM Hawke, T. Ishii et al. The Annals of Otol Rhinol Laryngol (Supplement). 139: 19-22, 1989

198. "Otologic Histopathology of Fabry's Disease." PA Schachern, DA Shea, MM Paparella, TK Yoon. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 98(5): 359-63. 1989

199. "Systemic Vasculitis: A Temporal Bone Histopathological Study." TK Yoon, MM Paparella, PA Schachern. The Laryngoscope 99(6): 600-09,1989

200. "Morphometric Study of the Continuum of Otitis Media." TK Yoon, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, B Lindgren Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl 148:23-7, 1990

201. "Pathogenesis of Meniere's Disease" MM Paparella, BP Kimberley. Journal of Vestibular Research. 1 (1): 3-7, 1990.

202. "Histopathology of Sudden Hearing Loss." TK Yoon, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, M Alleva. Laryngoscope 100: (7) 707-15, 1990

203. "Sensorineural Hearing Loss in Chronic Otitis Media & Following Ear Surgery" MM Paparella, CB Ruah, M Alleva In: Proceedings of 14th World Congress of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery. Eds. T Scaristan, JJ Alvarez-Vicent, F Antolf-Candela etal, Kugler & Ghedini Publications, Amsterdam, Berkely, Milano 566-7, 1990

204. "Pathology of the Tensor Tympani Muscle in Otitis Media." MM Abdelhammid, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, TH Yoon. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 248:71-78, 1990

205. "Pathology & Pathogenesis of Tympanic Membrane Retraction." TH Yoon, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, DM Aeppli, Am J Otolaryngol 11(1) 10-17, 1990.

206. "Otopathologic Correlates of the Continuum of Otitis Media." MM Paparella, PA Schachern, TK Yoon, MM Abdelhammid, R Sahni, SS da Costa Ann Oto Rhinol Laryngol 99:6, 148: 17-22. 1990

207. "Historical Perspectives & Concepts of Otitis Media Research at the University of Minnesota." MM Paparella, GS Giebink. Ann Oto Rhinol Laryngol 99:6, Suppl 148:6-11. 1990

208. "Otosclerosis Involving the Vestibular Aqueduct & Meniere's Disease: A Study of Human Temporal Bones." TH Yoon, MM Paparella, PA Schachern. Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surg. 103(7):107-112, 1990

209. "Sinusitis" WE Loch, M Alleva, MM Paparella Primary Care 17 (2):323-34, 1990,

210. "Dizziness" MM Paparella, M Alleva, NGBequer Primary Care 17 (2) 299-308, 1990,

211. "Tinnitus" M Alleva, WE Loch, MM Paparella Primary Care 17 (2): 289-97, 1990,

212. "Vertigo" MM Paparella, S da Costa Decision Making in Emergency Medicine 84-5, 1990

213. "Dizziness" TTK Jung, MM Paparella, M Alleva Curr. Prac. of Emergency Med. 225-29, 1991

214. "The Concept of Silent Otitis Media. Its Importance & Implications" MM Paparella, BP Kimberley, M Alleva. Otolaryngol Clin N Amer 24: (4) 763-74, 1991

215. "Interactive Inner Ear/Middle Ear Disease, Including Perilymphatic Fistula" MM Paparella Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) Suppl 485:36-45, 1991

216. "Otosclerosis: the University of Minnesota Temporal Bone Collection" MM Hueb, MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, JA Oliveira Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery. 105 (3):396-405. 1991

217. "A Histopathological Study of the Relationship Between Otitis Media & Mastoiditis." PA Schachern, MM Paparella, S Sano, S Lamey, M Guo Laryngoscope 101: (10) 1050-55, 1991

218. "Cellular Changes in Reissner's Membrane in Endolymphatic Hydrops." TH Yoon, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, CT Le. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol, 100 (4):288-93, 1991.

219. "Age-Related Morphologic Changes in the Human Tympanic Membrane." CB Ruah, PA Schachern, D Zelterman, MM Paparella, TH Yoon. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 117: (6) 627-34, 1991.

220. "Current Concepts Regarding Meniere's Disease: Diagnosis & Treatment." MM Paparella, BP Kimberley. Long Term Results & Indications in Otology & Otoneurosurgery. eds. Charachon, EG Ibañez. Kugler: Amsterdam, 1991

221. "Pathogenesis & Pathophysiology of Meniere's Disease." MM Paparella, Acta Otlaryngol (Stockh); Suppl. 485: 26-35, 1991.

222. "Methods of Diagnosis & Treatment of Meniere's Disease." MM Paparella. Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh); Suppl. 485: 108-19, 1991.

223. "Does Vestibular or Cochlear Meniere's & Hydrops Exist?" BP Kimberley, MM Paparella. Proceedings from the 3rd International Symposium and Workshop on Surgery of the Inner Ear, 1991.

224. "Pathology of Labyrinthine Ossification." C deSouza, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, THYoon. European Arch. Otorhinolaryngol. 105: 621-24, 1991

225. "Temporal Bone Histopathology in Chronically Infected Ears with Intact & Perforated Tympanic Membranes." S daCosta, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, TH Yoon, B Kimberly Laryngoscope 102 (11): 1229-36, 1992

226. "The Flexible (Conservative Surgical) Approach for Chronic Otitis Media in Young Children." SA Harvey, MM Paparella, NM Sperling, M Alleva. Laryngoscope. 102(12): 1399-1403. 1992

227. "Tympanogenic Labyrinthitis & Meningitis," MH Bhaya, T Morizono, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, Amer. Jour. of Oto. 13: (12) 386-89, 1992

228. "Bacterial Tympanogenic Labyrinthitis, Meningitis, & Sensorineural Damage." PA Schachern, MM Paparella, R Hybertson, S Sano, AJ Duvall,III. Archives of Otolaryngo 118: (1) 53-7, 1992

229. "Kyoshiro Yamakawa, MD, & Temporal Bone Histopathology of Meniere's Patient Reported in 1938." MM Paparella, T Morizono, T Matsunaga. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 118: (6) 660-662, 1992

230. "Pediatric Otoscopy-Clinical and Histological Correlation." CB Ruah, E Barros, SB Ruah, RS Penha, P Schachern, MM Paparella. Journal of Laryng and Otol 106: (4) 307-12, 1992.

231 "Mechanisms of Retraction Pocket Formation in the Pediatric Tympanic Membrane." CB Ruah, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, D Zelterman. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 118(12):1298-1305, 1992

232. "Potter's Syndrome: A Temporal Bone Histopathological Study" MH Bhaya, PA Schachern, T Morizono, MM Paparella Journal of Otolaryngology 22 (6): 195-99 1992

233. "Silent Otitis Media & Meningitis." S Haruna, PA Schachern, Y Haruna, DR Djeric, MM Paparella Otolaryngology (Tokyo) 36 (4) 437-45, 1993 (Published in Japanese language)

234. "Symptomatic Versus Asymptomatic Endolymphatic Hydrops: A Histopathologic Comparison" NM Sperling, MM Paparella, TH Yoon, D Zelterman The Laryngoscope, 103: (3) 277-285. 1993

235. "In Search of Missing Links in Otology. III. Development of a New Animal Model for Cholesteatoma." M Hueb, M Goycoolea, D Muchow, AJ Duvall, MM Paparella, C Sheridan. Laryngoscope 103: (7) 774-84 1993

236. "Aneurysms of the Temporal Bone" M Papazian, MM Paparella, E Hames, J Frisk ENT Journal, 72 (7) 474-84, 1993 .

237. "Pathogenesis of Tympanosclerosis" MH Bhaya, PA Schachern, T Morizono, MM Paparella Otol Head & Neck Sur. 109: (9) 413-20, 1993

238. "Temporal Bone Pathology in Scuba Diving Deaths" PJ Antonelli, GJ Parell, GD Becker, MM Paparella Otolaryngol Head & Neck Sur 109: (9) 514-21, 1993

239. "Clinical & Pathological Correlates of Silent (Subclinical) Otitis Media" MM Paparella, P Schachern, SS daCosta, J Spratley, S Sano, M Alleva, S Harvey Recent Adv. in Otitis Media, Fifth Int'l. Symp., pp 319-22, 1993

240. "The Natural Course of Meniere's Disease" MM Paparella Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Meniere's Disease Rome, Italy, October, 1993 Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, 1994

241. "Pathologic & Functional Studies of the Cochlea in Experimental Otitis Media Due to H. Influenzae" T Morizono, MM Paparella, S Miyanaga, D Canafax, GS Giebink Proceedings of the Second Extraordinary International Symposium on Recent Advances in Otitis Media, Oita, Japan, April, 1993 Kugler Publications, Amsterdam, 1994

242. "Cytokeratin Patterns of Normal Middle Ear Epithelia In Humans, Cats & Chinchillas." S Sano, PA Schachern, S Haruna, MM Paparella Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 103 (3) 227 - 34, 1994

243. “Otitis Media (Silent): A Potential Cause of Childhood Meningitis." DR Djeric, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, M Jaramillo, S Haruna, M Bassioni Laryngoscope 104 (12) 1453-60, 1994

244. "Normal & Metastatic Melanin in the Temporal Bone." CM Navarrete, CB Ruah, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Am J Otolaryngol 16 (1) 33-39, 1994

245. "Prevalence of Facial Canal Dehiscence & of Persistent Stapedial Artery in the Human Middle Ear: A Report of 1000 Temporal Bones." EH Moreano, MMPaparella, D Zelterman, MV Goycoolea Laryngoscope 104 (3) 309-20, 1994

246. "Endolymphatic Sac Enhancement" MM Paparella, H Sajjadi Otolar Clin of N. Amer. 27 (2) 381-402, 1994

247. "Prevalence of Carotid Canal Dehiscence in the Human Middle Ear: A Report of 1000 Temporal Bones" EH Moreano, MM Paparella, D Zelterman, MV Goycoolea. Laryngoscope 104 (5) 612-18. 1994

248. "Surgical Advances in Treating Otitis Media" MM Paparella, O Froymovich Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol (5) Suppl 163 49-53, 1994

249. "New Developments In Treating Otitis Media" M M Paparella, PA Schachern Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Suppl (5), 163: 7-10, 1994

250. "The Temporal Bone in Multiple Myeloma" W Li, PA Schachern, T Morizono, MM Paparella Laryngoscope 104 (6) 675-80, 1994

251. "Prevalence of Microfissures in the Human Temporal Bone: A Report of 1000 Temporal Bones" E Moreano, MM Paparella, D Zelterman, M Goycoolea Laryngoscope 104 (6) 741-46. 1994

252. "Histopathology Update: Otomycosis" S Haruna, Y Haruna, PA Schachern, T Morizono, MM Paparella Am J. Otol 15 (1) 74-8, 1994

253. "Extensive Otosclerosis & Endolymphatic Hydrops: Histopathologic Study of Temporal Bones" W Li, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Am J. Otol 15 (2) 158-61, 1994

254. "Micropathological Changes in Pars Tensa of Tympanic Membranes from Children With Otitis Media With Effusion." S Sano,Y Kamide, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 120(8), 815-19, 1994

255. "Audiological Profiles and Meniere's Disease" C Lee, MM Paparella, RH Margolis, C Le ENT Journal. 74: (8) 527-32, 1995

256. "Intact-Bridge Mastoidectomy: The Best of Both Worlds" H Sajjadi, MM Paparella State Journal of Oto. (India) Vol 24 (1), 9 - 16, 1995

257. "Normal & Metastatic Melanin in the Temporal Bone" CM Navarrete, CB Ruah, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Am J. of Otolaryn. 16 (1) 33-39, 1995

258. "Tympanic Membrane and Otitis Media" C Ruah, R Penha, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Acta Oto-rhino/Belgium 49: (2) 173-180, 1995

259. "Meniere's Disease" H Sajjadi, MM Paparella Conn's Current Therapy pp.841-43, 1995

260. "Flexible Surgical Approach For Treating Otitis Media" A McClain, Jr, MM Paparella State Jrnl of Oto.(India) Vol. I (2) 52 - 63, 1995

261. "Primary Culture of Epithelium of the Feline Middle Ear in a Serum-free Medium" S Haruna, S Sano, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, SK Juhn, H Moriyama Recent Advances in Otitis Media, proceedings of 6th Int'l. Symp. pp 127-130, 1995

262. "Influence of Otitis Media on the Cytokeratin Expression in Human Middle Ear Cleft" S Haruna, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, S Sano, Y Haruna, C Sutherland Recent Advances in Otitis Media, proceedings of 6th Int'l. Symp. pp 279-281, 1995

263. "Experimental Studies of the Pathogenesis of Granulation Tissue in the Middle Ear" MM Hueb, MV Goycoolea, MM Paparella, D Muchow Recent Advances in Otitis Media, proceedings of 6th Int'l. Symp. pp 451-452, 1995

264. "Genesis of Granulation & Scar Tissue in Otitis Media. A Temporal Bone Study” M Bassiouni, MM Paparella Bull. Alex. Fac. Med. Vol. XXXI No.2, pp. 339-347, 1995

265. "Developmental Study of Glycoconjugates in the Tubotympanum of Human Temporal Bones" S Haruna, N Morizono, PA Schachern, A Haruta, MM Paparella Recent Advances in Otitis Media, proceedings of 6th Int'l Symp. pp 112-115, 1996

266. "Glycoconjugates in Cats and Chinchillas Following Eustachian Tube Obstruction" S Haruna, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, S Sano, Y Haruna, A Haruta Recent Advances in Otitis Media, proceedings of 6th Int'l Symp. pp 545-548, 1996

267. "The Clinical Importance of Silent (Chronic) Otitis Media" J Skorina, MM Paparella State Jrnl of Oto. (India). Vol. 2 (1) 10 - 13, 1996

268. "Otological Perspectives and Pathogenesis" MM Paparella Auris-Nasus-Larynx (Tokyo) 23 [Suppl I] S2-S7, 1996

269. "Temporal Bone Study of Down's Syndrome" H Bilgin, L Kasemsuwan, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, C.T. Le Arch Otolaryngol. Head & Neck Surg. 3:122, 271-75, 1996

270. "Operative Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery" MM Paparella, BP Kimberley, Guest Eds. Introduction Oper. Tech. in Oto. HNS, WB Saunders, Orlando, Fl., Vol. 7 (1) , Mar. 1996

271. "Intact-Bridge Mastoidectomy: Operative Techniques" H Sajjadi, MM Paparella Oper Tech in Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surg. 7 (1) 55-61,1996

272. "Developmental Anatomy of the Supratubal Recess in Temporal Bones From Fetuses & Children" T Tono, PA Schachern, T Morizono, MM Paparella, T Morimitsu Am Journal Otol 17(1) 99-107, 1996

273. "Residual Mesenchyme in Temporal Bones of Children" L Kasemsuwan, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, C Le Laryngoscope 106: (8) 1040-43, 1996

274. "Outgrowing Schwannomas Arising From Tympanic Segments of the Facial Nerve" Q Zhang, J Jessurun, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, S Fulton Am. J of Otolaryn. 17:(5) 311-315, 1996

275. "A New Adhesive Bonding Material for the Cementation of Implantable Devices in Otologic Surgery" AJ Maniglia, N Nakabayashi, MM Paparella, JW Werning Am J. Otol 18:(3) 322-327, 1997

276. "Significance of Epidermoid Formations in the Middle Ear in Fetuses & Children" FT Kayhan, C Mutlu, PA Schachern, CT Le, MM Paparella Arch Otolarngol. Head & Neck Surg. 12:123 1293-1297, 1997

277. "Histopathology of Human Temporal Bone After Cisplatinum and/or Radiation" DL Hoistad, FG Ondrey, C Mutlu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, GL Adams Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surgery 118(6):825-832, 1998

278. "Autoimmune Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Human Temporal Bone Study" DL Hoistad, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Am J. Otol. 19 (1):33-39, 1998

279. "Silent Intratympanic Membrane Cholesteatoma” VJ Jaisinghani, MM Paparella, PA Schachern Laryngoscope 108: (8) 1185-1189, 1998

280. "Loss of Spiral Ganglion Cells as Primary Manifestation of Aminoglycoside Ototoxicity” M Sone, PASchachern, MM Paparella Hearing Research 115: (1-2) 217-223, 1998

281. “Clinical Pathology” EM Diop, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surgery 18(2):283-285, 1998

282. “Expression of Glycoconjugates in Human Eustachian Tubes With Otitis Media” M Sone, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, N Morizono, CT Le, J Lin Laryngoscope 108: (10) 1474-9 1998

283. “Clinical-histopathological Correlations of Pitfalls in Middle Ear Surgery” C Mutlu, SS daCosta, MM Paparella, PA Schachern Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 255: (4) 189-94 1998

284. "Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome With Massice Aspergillus Fumigatus Infection” EM Diop, PA Schachern, MM Paparella. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 118(2);283-285, 1998

285. "Endolymphatic Sac Enhancement Surgery in Elderly Patients with Meniere’s Disease” H Sajjadi, MM Paparella, T Williams ENT Journal, 77 (12) 975-982, 1998

286. “Mucin Gene Expression In The Rat Middle Ear: An Improved Method for RNA Harvest” J Lin, S Ho, L Shekels, MM Paparella, Y Kim Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol Vol 108: 762-768, 1999

287. “Multiple Otopathologic Disorders: A Diagnostic Dilemma” V Jaisinghani, PA Schachern, MM Paparella. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 120(2):265-268, 1999

288. “Study of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus in Temporal Bones” M Sone, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, N Morizono Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 108(4):338-344, 1999

289. “Tympanic Membrane/Middle Ear Pathologic Correlates in Chronic Otitis Media” VJ Jaisinghani, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, CT Le. Laryngoscope. 109: (5) 712-716, 1999

290. “Tympanoplasty” A Vambutas, MM Paparella Oto Cl North America 32(3) 505-512, 1999

291. “The Theory of the Trigger, the Bridge and the Transmigration in the Pathogenesis of Acquired Cholesteatoma” MV Goycoolea, MM Hueb, D Muchow, MM Paparella Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 119: (2) 244-248, 1999

292. "Pneumococcus Activates The 5-Lipoxygenase Pathway and Production of Glycoprotiens in the Middle Ear of Rats" J Lin, A Vambutas, A Haruta, MM Paparella, GS Giebink, Y Kim The Journal of Infectious Diseases. 179: (5) 1145-51, 1999

293. "Residual Mesynchyme Persisting into Adulthood” VJ Jaisinghani, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, DS Schneider, CT Le Am J. Otolaryngol. 20 (6) 363-370, 1999

294. "Improved RNA Analysis for Immediate Autopsy of Temporal Bone Soft Tissues" J Lin, H Kawano, MM Paparella, SB Ho Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 119: (7) 787-95, 1999

295. "Tympanoplasty: Prudent Considerations of Silent Otitis Media and Interactions of Middle Ear and Inner Ear" A Vambutas, MM Paparella Otol. Clncs of NA 32 (3) 505 - 512, 1999

296. "Expression of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 in Rat Inner Ear Due to Bacterial Otitis Media" M Sone, HQ Russlie, DM Canafax, MM Paparella Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 108: (7) 648-652, 1999

297. “Histopathologically Observational Study of Cartilage-Mucosa on the Eustachian Tube Isthmus of Temporal Bone With Otitis Media” Q Zhang, G Zheng, MM Paparella Medline PMID 13 (4): 161-3, 1999

298. “Otitis Media with Effusion and Early Sequelae: Flexible Approach” M Patterson, MM Paparella Otolaryngol Clin North Am 32:(3):391-400, 1999

299. "Congenital Malformations of Middle and Inner Ears of Parabiotic Twins” C Mutlu, DR Djeric, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, S Fulton Am J. Otolaryngol. 21 (1) Pp 46-49, 2000

300. “Histopathologic Features of the Temporal Bone in Patients With Cystic Fibrosis” N Yildirim, M Sone, C Mutlu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, CT Le Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 126: (1) 75-78, 2000

301. "Identification of MUC5B Mucin Gene in Human Middle Ear With Chronic Otitis Media" H Kawano, MM Paparella, SB Ho, PA Schachern, N Morizono, CT Le, J Lin Laryngoscope 110: (4), 668 - 673, 2000

302. "Metastases to Temporal Bone From Primary Nonsystemic Malignant Neoplasms" TL Gloria-Cruz, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, GL Adams, SE Fulton Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 126 (2) 209-214, 2000

303. "Tympanic Membrane/Middle Ear Pathologic Correlates in Mucoid Otitis Media" M Tekin, C Mutlu, MM Paparella, PA Schachern, V Jaisinghani, CT Le. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 123 (3) 258-262, 2000

304. "Bone Dust in the Middle Ear" C Mutlu, M Tekin, MM Paparella, PA Schachern Am J. Otolaryngol. 21 (2) 286-287, 2000

305. “Facial Neuroma in the Internal Auditory Canal” C Mutlu, DR Djeric, M Tekin, MM Paparella, PA Schachern Auris Nasus Larynx 27 (2): 175-8, 2000

306. "Petrous High Jugular Bulb: A Histological Study" H Kawano, T Tono, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, S Komune Am. J. Otolaryngol. 21 (3) 161-68, 2000

307. "Expression of MUC5B Mucin Gene in Human Middle Ear with Chronic Otitis Media" H Kawano, MM Paparella, SB Ho, PA Schachern, N Morizono, CT Le, J Lin Laryngoscope 110 Pp 668-673, 2000

308. "Histopathologic Study of Serous Labyrinthitis in Human Temporal Bones" JE Spratley, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, T Yoon, CT Le Folia Otorhinolaryngologica 6, No.1-2, 2000

309. "Aminoglycoside Ototoxicity" Y Zheng, PA Schachern, M Sone, MM Paparella Otol & Neurol 22: 266-268, 2001

310. "The Atelectatic Ear" HR Djalilian, MM Paparella Current Opinion in Oto & H and N Surg. 8 (5):369-374, 2000

311. "Characterization of Mucins in Human Middle Ear & Eustachian Tube" J Lin, V Tsuprun, H Kawano, MM Paparella,Z Zhang, R Anway, SB Ho Am J. Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 280: (6) L1157-1167, 2001

312. "Clinical Update: "Rehabilitation for Facial Paralysis Effective Years After Onset" MM Paparella, J Fahnhorst, C Landis Scope Fairview Health Services, 6 (10) 2001

313. “Pattern Changes of Mucin Gene Expression with Pneumococcal Otitis Media” Y Tsuboi, Y Kim, MM Paparella, N Chen, PA Schachern, J Lin Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 19: 61 (1) 23-30 2001

314. “Stapes Mobilization in Otosclerosis” VJ Jaisinghani, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Ear Nose Throat J. 80 (8) 586-8, 2001

315. "Pathogenesis of Otitis Media" (Personal & Professional Highlights) MM Paparella Recent Advances in Otitis Media (Proceedings of Otitis Media, Sendai Japan) Monduzzi Editore. 1-13, 2001

316. "Pattern Changes of Mucin Gene Expression in the Middle Ear Mucosa of Rats with Eustachian Tube Obstruction" V Tsuboi, J Lin, MM Paparella, H Kawano, S Komune Recent Advances in Otitis Media (Proceedings of Otitis Media, Sendai, Japan) Monduzzi Editore, 275-284, 2001

317. "Purulent Otitis Media in Children & Adults" M Tekin, PA Schachern, C Mutlu, V Jaisinghani, MM Paparella, CT Le Eur Arch of Oto Rhino 259 (2) 67-72, 2002

318. "Definitions, Terminology, and Classification of Otitis Media" Panel Report CD Bluestone, GAGates, JO Klein, DJ Lim, G Mogi, PL Ogra, MM Paparella, JL Paradise, M Tos Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol (Supp.188):(3) 8-18, 2002

319. "Anatomy, Cell Biology, Pathology, and Animal Models" DJ Lim, TTK Jung, CM Alper, A Andalibi, LO Bakaletz, C Buchman, P Caye-Thomasen, SO Hellstrom, P Herman, A Hermansson, B Hussl, Y Iino, H Kawauchi, MM Paparella, I Sando, JD Swarts, T Takasaka Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol (Supp. 188): (3) 36-51, 2002

320. Congenital Malformation of the Bony Cochlea" Y Zheng, PA Schachern, H Djalilian, MM Paparella Otol & Neurotol 23, (2) 181-186, 2002

321. Otitis Media in Rat Middle Ear: The Pathological Basis for Mucin Hyperproduction in Mucoid" H Kawano, A Haruta, Y Tsuboi, Y Kim, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, J Lin Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 3 (5), 415-422, 2002

322. "The Shortened Cochlea: Its Classification & Histopathologic Features" Y Zheng, PA Schachern, S Cureoglu, C Mutlu, H Djalilian, MM Paparella Int. J. Ped Otorhinolaryngol 63: (1) 29-39, 2002

323. "Chronic Silent Otitis Media" MM Paparella, PA Schachern, S Cureoglu Festschrift on the Occasion of the 95th Birthday of Imrich Friedmann ORL Jrnl. Oto-Rhino-Laryngol and Its Related Specialties 64: 65-72, 2002

324. "Induction of Mucous Cell Metaplasia in the Middle Ear of Rats Using a Three-step Method: An Improved Model for Otitis Media With Mucoid Effusion" Y Tsuboi,Y Kim,GS Giebink,C Le, MM Paparella, N Chen, PA Schachern, SJuhn, J Lin Acta Otolarngol 122: (2) 153-160, 2002

325. “Scheibe’s Dysplasia” S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Otol & Neuroto 24 (1): 125-126, 2003

326. “Effect of Parental Aminoglycoside Administration on Dark Cells in the Crista Ampullaris” S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 129: (6) 626-628, 2003

327. “Structure of the Stereocillia Side Links and Morphology of Auditory Hair Bundle in Relation to Noise Exposure in the Chinchilla.” V Tsuprun, PA Schachern, S Cureoglu, MM Paparella J Neurotol 32: (9) 1117-1128, 2003

328. “The Entity Known as Chronic Silent (Subclinical) Otitis Media: A Common Lesion and a Forgotten Diagnosis” A Ferlito, MM Paparella, A Rinaldo, PA Schachern, S Cureoglu Acta Otolaryngol (Stockholm) 123: (6) 749-751, 2003

329. “Expression of Mucins in Mucoid Otitis Media” J Lin, Y Tsuboi, F Rimmell, G Liu, K Toyama, H Kawano, MM Paparella, S Ho J.Assoc. Res. In Oto 4 (3): 384- 393, 2003

330. “Submucosal Cholesteatoma in the Middle Ear: A Histopathologic Observation” S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, S Fulton, MM Paparella Otol. & Neurotol 24 (6): 968-69, 2003

331. “Persistent Stapedial Artery” S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Otol. & Neurotol 24 (5) 833-34, 2003

332. “Certification of Added Qualification in Otology and Neurotology” MM Paparella Ear Nose Throat J 82 (7) 475-6, 2003

334. “Cellular Changes of Reissner’s Membrane in Meniere’s Desease: Human Temporal Bone Study” S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, S Paul, MM Paparella, RK Singh Otolaryngol-Head & Neck Surg 130: (1) 113-119, 2004

335. “Cochlear Changes in Chronic Otitis Media” S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, BR Lindgren Laryngoscope 114 (4) 622-626, 2004

336. “Effects of Gentamycin on Sensorineural Elements of the Cochlea in Human Temporal Bones” T Kusonoki, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, K Baba, S Kariya, ASampaio, MM Paparella Am J Otolaryngol 25 (5): 313-17, 2004

337. “Temperature-Sensative SV40-Immortalized Rat Middle Ear Epithelial Cells” K Toyama, Y Kim, MM Paparella, J Lin Annals ORL 113 (12) 967-974, 2004

338. “Cochleosaccular Dysplasia: A Morphometric and Histopathological Study in a Series of Temporal Bones” A Sampaio, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, T Kusunoki, MM Paparella, C Oliveira Otol & Neurotol 25 (4): 530-535, 2004

339. “Massive Endolymphatic Sac and Vestibular Aqueduct in Mondini Dysplasia” A Sampaio, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, T Kusunoki, MM Paparella, C Oliveira Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 130: (5) 678-680, 2004

340. “Age Related Histopathologic Changes in the Human Cochlea: A Temporal Bone Study” T Kusunoki, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, K Baba, S Kariya, MM Paparella Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 131 (6):897-903, 2004

341. “Otologic Manifestations of Metastatic Tumors to the Temporal Bone” S Cureoglu, O Tulunay, A Frelito, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, A Rinaldo Acta Otolaryngol 124: (10) 1117–1123, 2004

342. “Abnormal Direction of Internal Auditory Canal and Vestibulocochlear Nerve” S Kariya, K Nishizaki, H Akagi, MM Paparella Jrnl of Laryngology & Otol 118: (11) 902-905, 2004

343. “Effects of Aminoglycoside Administration on Cochlear Elements in Human Temporal Bones” T Kusunoki, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, A Sampio, H Fukushima, M Oktay, MM Paparella Auris Nasus Larynx 31 (4): 383-8, 2004

344. “Endolymphatic Sac Enhancement: Update on Reversal of Pathogenesis” MM Paparella, FL Hobson, M Fina Sociedad Iberoamericana de Informacion Cientifica (SSIC) 2004

345. “Cholesterol Granuloma of the Temporal Bone: A Pathological Designation or Clinical Diagnosis?” A Rinaldo, A Ferlito, S Cureoglu, K Devaney, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Acta Otolaryngol 125: (1) 86-90. 2005

346. “Round Window Membrane and Labyrinthine Pathological Changes: An Overview” S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, A Rinaldo, V Tsuprun, A Ferlito, MM Paparella Acta Otolaryngol 125: (1) 9 –15, 2005

347. “Animal Models; Anatomy and Pathology; Pathogenesis; Cell Biology & Genetics” MM Paparella, et al Annals of ORL 114: 1, Part 2 Supplement: 31-41. 2005

348. “Tympanic Membrane Changes in Central Tympanic Membrane Perforations” M Oktay, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, S Kariya, H Fukushima Amer. Journ. Otol. 26 (6) 393-7, 2005

349. “Quantitative Study of the Vestibular Sensory Epithelium in Cochleosaccular Dysplasia” S Kariya, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, A Sampaio, MM Paparella, T Kusunoki, M Oktay, K Nishizaki Otol & Neurotol 26 (3):495-499, 2005

350. “Role of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in Paranasal Sinusmucocele” S Kariya, M Okano, K Aoji, T Nakashima, N Kasai, T Onada, K Nishizake, PA Schachern, S Cureoglu, MM Paparella Am J. Rhinol 19 (6):554-9, 2005

351. “Cochlear Changes in Patients With Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus” H Fukushima, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, T Kusunoki, M Oktay, N Fukushima, MM Paparella, T Harada Otol. Head Neck Surg. 133 (1), 100-106, 2005

352. “Cupular Deposits and Aminoglycoside Administration in Human Temporal Bones” T Kusunoki, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, M. Oktay, H Fukushima, MM Paparella J.Laryngol Otol 119(2), 87-91, 2005

353. “Histological Changes in the Anterior Mallear Ligament and the Head of the Malleus in Otosclerosis.” MF Oktay, S Cureoglu, P Schachern, E Gulbahce, MM Paparella, H Hayashi Otol HNS 134(2):232-5, 2006

354. “Otosclerosis: Etiopathogenesis and Histopathology” S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, A Ferlito, A Rinaldo, V Tsuprun, MM Paparella Amer Jrnl of Oto 27 (5), 334-40, 2006

355. “Cochlear Otosclerosis” Hayashi, O Onerci, MM Paparella Otol Neurotol 27 (6) 905-6, 2006

356. “The Effects of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus on the Cochlear Structure in Humans” H.Fukushima, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, T Harada, MF Oktay Arch Otolaryngol Head and Neck Surg. Vol. 132 (9) 934-938, 2006

357. “Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome: A Human Temporal Bone Study” S Hirai, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, H Hayashi, MM Paparella, T Harada Laryngoscope Vol 116 (11) 2007-2011, 2006

358. “Hearing Loss Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Temporal Bone Histopathology” N Fukushima, H Fukushima, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Otol Neurotol. 27 (1): 127-8, 2006

359. “Th1/Th2 and Regulatory Cytokines in Adults with Otitis Media with Effusion” S Kariya, M Okano, H Hattori,Y Sugata, R Matsumoto, K Fukushima, PA Schachern, S Cureoglu, MM Paparella, K Nishizaki Otol & Neurotol 27(8): 1089-93, 2006

360. “A General Review on the Procedures in a Human Temporal Bone Laboratory” MF Oktay, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis berg. 16 (5):235-240 Turkish, 2006

361. “Age-related Functional and Histopathological Changes of the Ear in the MPS 1 Mouse” PA Schachern, S Cureoglu, V Tsuprun, MM Paparella, CB Whitley Int. J Ped Otorhinolaryngol 71 (2):197-203, 2007

362. “Association Between Cupular Deposits and Otosclerosis” H Hayashi, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, M Oktay, H Fukushima, M Sone, MM Paparella Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 132 (12): 1331, 2006

363. “Comparison of the Quantity of Cochlear Melanin in Young and Old C57BL/6 Mice” H Hayashi, M Sone, PA Schachern, K Wakamatsu, MM Paparella, T Nakashima Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 133 (2): 151-4, 2007

364. “Contralateral Ear in Chronic Otitis Media: A Histologic Study” LP Rosita, SS da Costa, PA Schachern, C Dornelles, S Cureoglu, MM Paparella Laryngoscope 117 (10); 1809–1814, 2007

365. “Histopathologic Changes of Contralateral Human Temporal Bone in Unilateral Meniere’s Disease” S Kariya, S Cureoglu, H Fukushima, T Kusunoki PA Schachern, K Nichizaki, MM Paparella Otol Neurotol 28 (8); 1063 – 1068, 2007

366. “Otosclerosis and Associated Pathologies” MM Paparella, S Cureoglu, W Shao, PA Schacern Adv. In ORL 65: 31-44, 2007

367. “Os Corpusculos Redondos Do Ouvido Medio” C Ruah, R Penha, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, CT Lee Otorrino laringologia 1 (1): 10-14, 2007

368. “Temporal Bone Study of Trisomy 13 Syndrome” H Fukushima, PA Schachern, S Cureoglu, MM Paparella Laryngoscope 118 (3); 506-507, 2008

369. “Functional and Histopthological Age-Related Changes of the Ear in MPS IIIB Mouse” (Abstract) P Schachern, S Cureoglu, V Tsuprun, MM Paparella, S Juhn, C.Whitley Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 93: S14-46, 2008

370. “The Round Window Membrane in Otitis Media. Effect of Pneumococcal Proteins” PA Schachern, V Tsuprun, S Cureoglu, P Ferrieri, DE Briles, MM Paparella, S Juhn Otolaryngol Head & Neck Surg 134 (6) 658-62 2008

371. “Laryngeal Carcinoma of the Temporal Bone” S Nomiya, R Nomiya, MM Paparella Otol Neuro 29 (8) 1207-8 2008

372. “Clinical Nuggets” Guest Editorial MM Paparella ENT Jrnl 87 (1) 8-9, 2008

373. “Endaural Labyrinthectomy” MM Paparella ENT Jrnl. 87 (4) 204-5, 2008

374. “Meniere’s Disease” H Sajjadi, MM Paparella The Lancet 372 (8) 406-414, 2008

375. “Meniere’s Disease” N Morita, MM Paparella TB Histopathology Case of the Month

Otol/Neurotol 29 (6) 878-879, 2008

376. “Mucormycosis of the Temporal Bone” R Nomiya, S Nomiya, MM Paparella TB Histopathology of the Month Otol/Neurotol 29 (7) 1041-42, 2008

377. “Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and other Vestibular Symptoms in Meniere’s Disease” MM Paparella ENT Jrnl. 87 (10) 562, 2008

378. “Generalized Arteriosclerosis and Changes of the Cochlea in Young Adults” R Nomiya, S Nomiya, S Kariya, M Okano, N Morita S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, K Nishizaki, MM Paparella Otol/Neurotol 29 (8) 1193-7, 2008

379. “Role of Pneumococcal Proteins in Sensoineural Hearing Loss Due to Otitis Media” V Tsuprun, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, P Ferrieri, DE Briles, MM Paparella, SK Juhn Otol/Neurotol 29 (8) 1056-60, 2008

380. “Cochlear Otosclerosis With Malleoincudal Fixation” S Joglekar, M Kelles, MM Paparella Otol/Neurotol 30 (1) 125-26, 2009

381. “Malignant Melanoma Metastasis to Temporal Bone” AF Deroee, S Joglekar, MM Paparella Otol/Neurotol 30 (2) 248-49, 2009

382. “Chronic Otitis Media With Cholesteatoma: Middle Ear/Inner Ear Interaction” T Inagaki, MM Paparella Otol-Neurotol 30 (3) 430-31, 2009

383. “Labyrinthitis Ossifications” H Xu, SS Joglekar, MM Paparella Otol Neurotol 30 (4) 579-80, 2009

384. “Sudden Deafness Secondary to a Middle Ear/Inner Ear Interaction: The Implications of Finding an “adhesive tent” During Tympanotomy” MM Paparella ENT Jrnl. 88 (2) 776-7, 2009

385. “3D Computerized Model of Endolymphatic Hydrops from Specimens of Temporal Bone” M Teranishi, T Yoshida, N Katayama, H Hayashi, H Otake, S Nakata, M Sone, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, T Nakashima Acta Otolaryngol (Stockh) 129 43-47, 2009

386. “Virulence of Pneumococcal Proteins on the Inner Ear” PA Schachern, V Tsuprin, S Cureoglu,P Ferrieri, DE Briles,MM Paparella, S Juhn ENT Jrnl. 135 (7) 657-651, 2009

387. “Location of the Ventilation Tube” MM Paparella ENT Jrnl 88 (6) 963, 2009

388. “Potential Cause of Positionsl Vertigo in Meniere’s Disease” N Morita, S Cureoglu, S Nomiya, R Nomiya, SS Joglekar, T Harada, MM Paparella Otol-Neurotol 30 (7) 956-60, 2009

389. “Vascular Findings in the Stria Vascularis of Patients With Unilateral or Bilateral Meniere’s Disease: A Histopathologic Temporal Bone Study” S Kariya, S Cureoglu, H Fukushima, S Nomiya, R Nomiya, PA Schachern, K Nichizaki, MM Paparella Otol-Neurotol 30 (7) 1006-12, 2009

390. “Membranous Labyrinth Volumes in Normal Ears and Menieres Disease: A Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Study” N Morita, S Kariya, AF Deroee, S Cureoglu, S Nomiya, R.Nomiya,T.Harada, MM Paparella Laryngoscope 119 (11) 2216-2220, 2009

392. “Effect of Lipooligosaccharide Mutations of Haemophilus Influenzae on the Middle and Inner Ears” PA Schachern, V. Tsuprun, B. Wang, MA Apicella, S Cureoglu, MM Paparella, SK Juhn Int. J. Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 73 (12) 1757-60, 2009

393. “Membranous Labyrinth Volumes in Normal Ears and Meniere’s Disease: A Three-dimensional Reconstruction Study” N Morita, S Kariya, DA Farajzadeh, S Cureoglu, S Nomiya, R Nomiya, T Harada, MM Paparella Laryngoscope 119 (11) 2216-20, 2009

395. “Histopathological Temporal Bone Study of the Metastatic Rhabdomyosarcoma” S Kariya, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, K Nichizaki Auris Nasus Larynx 36(2) 221-3, 2009

396. “Virulence of Pneumococcal Proteins on the Inner Ear” PA Schachern, V Tsuprun, S Cureoglu, P Ferriere, DE Briles, MM Paparella, S Juhn Arch Otolaryngol HNS (7)135 657-61, 2009

397. “Vascular Findings in the Facial Nerve Canal in Human Temporal Bones with Diabetes Mellitus” S Kariya, S Cureoglu, N Morita, S Nomiya, R Nomiya, PA Schachern, K Nishizaki, MM Paparella Otol Neurotol 30 (3) 402-7, 2009

398. “Prostate Cancer Metastasis to Facial Nerve” T Sato, K Ishikawa, MM Paparella Otol Neurotol 31 (4): 703-4, 2010

399. “Tack Operation for Meniere’s Disease” N Morita, S Cureoglu, MM Paparella Otol Neurotol 31 (2) 362-3, 2010

400. “Breast Carcinoma Metastasis to the Internal Auditory Canal” K Terao, S Cureoglu, MM Paparella Otol Neurotol 1 (31) 175-76, 2010

401. “Cochlear Otosclerosis Adjacent to Round Window and Oval Window: A Histopathological Temporal Bone Study” T Sato, N Norita, S Cureoglu, K Terao, SS Jolekar, AF Deroee, K Ishikawa, MM Paparella Otol Neurotol 4 (31) 574-9, 2010

402. “Histopathological Morphometric Study of Cochleosaccular Dysplasia in Dalmatian Dogs” AL Sampaio, E Paine, PA Schachern, C Sutherland, S Cureoglu, CA Oliveira, MM Paparella. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 8 (74) 934-8, 2010

403. “Cochlear Changes in Presbycusis With Tinnitus” K Terao, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, N Morita, S Nomiya, AF Deroee, K Doi, K Mori, K Murata, MM Paparella Am J Otoalryngol 4 (29) 2010

404. “Pathologic Correlations of Otologic Symptoms in Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia” K Terao, S Cureoglu, PA Schachern, MM Paparella, N Morita, S. Nomiya, T Inagaki, K Mori, K Murata Am J Otolaryngol 12 (18) 2010

405. “Posterior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence: A Histopathologic Human Temporal Bone Study” S Nomiya, S Cureoglu, S Kariya, N Morita, R Nomiya, PA Schachern, K Nisizaki, MM Paparella Otol Neurot 7 (31) 1122-27, 2010

406. “Cochlear Otosclerosis” S Cureoglu, MY Baylan, MM Paparella Curr Opin.Otolaryngol H&N Surg.18.357-362, 2010

407. “Effect of Apolactoferrin on Experimental Pneumococcal Otitis Media” PA Schachern, V.Tsuprin, S.Cureoglu, P Ferrieri, D Briles, MM Paparella, SK Juhn Arch Otolaryngol HNS 136 (7) 1127-31, 2010

408. “Meniere’s Disease: state-of-the-art” F.Mancini, M.Sacchi,B.Monti,MM Paparella Otorinolaringol 60:35-52, 2010

409. “Comparing the Cochlear Spiral Modiolar artery in Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus: A human Temporal Bone Study” Kariya S, Cureoglu S, Fukushima H, Morita N, Nishizaki K, Paparella MM. Acta Med Okayama 2010; 64(6): 375-83.

410. “Cochlear Pathology in Human Temporal Bones with Otitis Media” Joglegar S, Morita N, Cureoglu S, Schachern PA, Deroee AF, Tsuprun V, Paparella MM, Juhn SK. Acta Otolaryngol 2010; 130(4): 472-6.

411. “Polyarteritis Nodosa: A Human Temporal Bone Study” Joglegar S, Deroee AF, Morita N, Cureoglu S, Schachern PA, Paparella MM. Am J Otolaryngol 2010;31(4):221-5.

412. “Vestibular Schwannoma” Canali I, Cureoglu S, Paparella MM. Otology Neurotology 2010; 31(4): 701-2.

413. “Association between Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Deposits in the Semicircular Canals.” Yoda S, Cureoglu, Yildirim- Baylan M, Morita N, Fukushima H, Harada T, Paparella MM. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011, 145 (3): 458-62.

414. “Bladder cancer metastases to the temporal bone.” Yildirim-Baylan M, Erdogmus N, Cureoglu S, Paparella MM. Otol Neurotol 2011 32 (5):e40-1

415. “Cochlear changes in Presbycusis with Tinnitus.” Terao K, Cureoglu S, Schachern PA, Morita N, Nomiya S, Deroee AF, Doi k, Mori K, Murata K, Paparella MM Am J Otolaryngol 2011 ;32(3):215-20.

416. “Pulmonary carcinoma metastasis to the internal auditory canal” Yoda S, Cureoglu S, Paparella MM Otol Neurotol 32 (6): e48-9, 2011

417. “Histopathological incidence of facial canal dehiscence in otosclerosis.” Nomiya S, Cureoglu S, Kariya S, Morita N, Nomiya R, Nishizaki K, Paparella MM. Otorhinolaryngol. 2011; 268 (9):1267-71

418. “Blockage of longitudinal flow in Meniere’s disease “A human temporal bone study.” Shimizu S, Cureoglu S, Yoda S, Suzuki M, Paparella MM Acta Otolaryngol 2011; 131 (3):263-8

419. “Marrow-Middle Ear Connections; A potential Cause of Otogenic Meningitis.” Terao K, Cureoglu S, Schachern PA, Paparella MM, Morita N, Sato T, Mori K, Murata K, Doi K.Otol Neurotol 2011; 32(1); 77-80

420. “Pathologic Correlations of Otologic symptoms in Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. Terao K, Cureoglu S, Schachern PA, Paparella MM, Morita N, Nomiya S, Inagaki TAm J Otologic 2011; 32(1):13-8

421. “Peripheral vestibular system in Down’s syndrome: Quantitative assessment of vestibular histopathology.” Inkagaki T, Cureoglu S, Schachern PA, Paparella MM. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surgery 2011; 144 (2):280-3

422. “Round window membrane in Meniere’s disease; a human temporal bone study. Yoda S, Cureoglu S, Shimizu S, Morita N, Fukushima H, Sato T, Harada T, Paparella MM. Otol Neurotol 2011; 32 (1): 147-51.

423. “Delayed Facial Nerve Palsy after Endolymphatic Sac Surgery” H.Xu, A. Deroee, S Joglekar, N. Pollak, Francis Hobson, Tristin Santori, MM Paparella ENT Jrnl 90 (8) online E28-31, 2011

424. “Tinnitus & early endolymphatic hydrops” M. Paparella Int Tinnitus J. 2011;16(2):87.

425. “Inner ear changes in mucopolysaccharidosis type I/Hurler Syndrome” Kariya S, Schachern PA, Nishizaki K, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 33(8): 1323-7, 2012

426. “Viability/Virulence of Pneumococcal pneumolysin, pneumococcal surface protein A, and pneumolysin/pneumococcal surface protein A mutants in the ear.” P. Schachern, V. Tsuprun, S. Goetz, S. Cureoglu, S. Juhn, D. Briles, MM. Paparella 35th Meeting of Association for Research in Otology, 2012

427. “Langerhans’ Cell Histiocytosis of the Temporal Bone” M.Yildirim-Baylan, S. Cureoglu, MM Paparella Otol. & Neurotol 33 (2) e15-6, 2012

428. “Multi-channel cochlear implant histopathology: Are fewer spiral ganglian cells really related to better clinical performance?”H.Xu, GH Kim, EP Snissarenko, S.Cureoglu, MM Paparella Acta Oto-laryngologica, 132(5):482-90, 2012

429. “ Vestibular system changes in sudden deafness with and with out Vertigo: A Human Temporal Bone Study. Otol Neurotol (In Press). Inagaki T, Cureoglu S, Morita N, Terao K, Sato T, Suzuki M, Paparella MM. Otol Neurotol 33(7):1151-1155, 2012.

430. “Langerhan’s Cell Histiocytosis of the Temporal Bone.” Yildirim- Baylan M, Cureoglu S, Paparella MM Otol Neurotol 2012 33 (2):e 15-6

431. “Risk Factors for sensorineural hearing loss in chronic Otitis Media” MM Paparella, T Morizono, C Le, F Mancini, P Sipila, YB Choo, G Liden, C Kim. Acta Otol Rhinol Laryngol 2013; 133 1173-1180.

432. “Osteogenesis Imperfecta-a human temporal bone case study” Vianna MF, Taciro D, Lazarini PR, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 34(7):e113-4, 2013.

433. “Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome” Kariya S, Nishizaki K, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 34(3):e16-7, 2013.

434. “Undiagnosed severe cochlear otosclerosis as a cause of profound hearing loss” Hederstierna C, Cureoglu S, Paparella MM. Otol Neurotol 34(3):e14-5, 2013.

435. “Viability and virulence of pneumolysin, pneumococcal surface protein A, and pneumolysin/pneumococcal surface protein A mutants in the ear”

Schachern PA, Tsuprun V, Goetz S, Cureoglu S, Juhn SK, Briles DE, Paparella MM, Ferrieri P. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 139(9):937-43, 2013.

436. “Thiersch skin grafting in otologic surgery” Xu H, Pollak N, Paparella MM. Ear Nose Throat J 92(8):348-56, 2013.

437. “Differences in the Diameter of Facial Nerve and Facial Canal in Bell’s Palsy-A 3- Dimensional Bone Study. Vianna M. Adams M. Schachern P. Lazarini PR. M.M. Paparella, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 35 (3):5 514-8, 2014

438. “Differences in the Diameter of Facial Nerve and Facial Canal in Bell's Palsy - A Three-Dimensional Human Temporal Bone Study” Vianna M, Cureoglu S, Paparella MM. Otology & Neurotology 35(3):514-8, 2014.

439. “The pathology of silent otitis media: A predecessor to tympanogenic meningitis in infants” Yildirim-Baylan M, Schachern P, Tsuprun V, Shiabata D, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 78(3):451-4, 2014.

440. “Facial nerve canal dehiscence in chronic otitis media without cholesteatoma” Nomiya S, Kariya S, Nomiya R, Morita N, Nishizaki K, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 271(3):455-8, 2014.

441. “Pneumococcal PspA and PspC proteins: potential vaccine candidates for experimental otitis media.” Schachern PA, Tsuprun V, Ferrieri P, Briles DE, Goetz S,Cureoglu S, Paparella MM, Juhn S. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014;78(9):1517-21.

442. “Volume of the epitympanum and blockage of the tympanic isthmus in chronic otitis media: a human temporal bone study.” Shirai K, Schachern P, Schachern M, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otology & Neurotology 2015; 36(2):254-9.

443. “Quantitative assessment of vestibular otopathology in otosclerosis: A temporal bone study.” Hizli O, Kaya S, Schachern PA, Kwon G, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Laryngoscope 2015.

444. “A rare Location for Sarcoma Metastasis: The Temporal Bone.” Hizli O, Salduz A, Kaya S, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. American Journal of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Medicine and Surgery 36(6):772-7,2015

445. “Histopathologic findings in peripheral vestibular system from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A human temporal bone study” Kariya S, Kaya S, Hizli O, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otology & Neurotology 36(10):1702-7, 2015.

446. “Histopathologic ear findings of syphilis: a temporal bone study.” Hizli O, Hizli P, Kaya S, Monsanto RD, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 273(9):2443-9, 2016. 447. “Histopathology of Meniere's disease”. Cureoglu S, da Costa Monsanto R, Paparella MM. Oper Tech Otolayngol Head Neck Surg 27(4):194-204, 2016.

448. “Pathologic Changes of the Peripheral Vestibular System Secondary to Chronic Otitis Media”. Da Costa Monsanto R, Erdil M, Pauna HF, Kwon G, Schachern PA, Tsuprun V, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 155(3):494-500, 2016

449. “A three-dimensional analysis of the endolymph drainage system in Meniere’s disease”. Monsanto RD, Pauna HF, Kwon G, Schachern PA, Tsuprun V, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Laryngoscope 127(5):E170-E175, 2017

450. “Pathologic findings of the cochlea in Labyrinthitis Ossificans associated with the round window membrane”. Kaya S, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 155(4):635-40, 2016.

451. “Epitympanum volume and tympanic isthmus area in temporal bones with retraction pockets”. Monsanto RD, Pauna HF, Kaya S, Hizli O, Kwon G, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Laryngoscope 126(11):E369-E374, 2016

452. “ Peripheral vestibular pathology in Mondini dysplasia”. Kaya S, Hizli O, Kaya FK, Monsanto RD, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Laryngoscope 127(1):206-209, 2017

453. “Otopathologic Findings of Pena-Shokeir Syndrome Type 1” Kaya S, Kaya FK, Hizli O, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 125(8):677-81, 2016

454. “Histopathologic Findings in Patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: A human temporal bone study Otology & Neurotology” Kariya S, Kaya S, Hizli O, Hizli P, Nishizaki K, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Cochlear 37(5):593-7, 2016.

455. “ Vascular and Neuroepithelial Histopathology of the saccule in Humans with Diabetes mellitus”. Kocdor P, Kaya S, Erdil M, Cureoglu S, Paparella MM, Adams ME. Otol Neurotol 37(5):553-7, 2016. PMCID:PMC4864044

456. “Vascular and Neuroepithelial Histopathology of the saccule in Humans with Diabetes mellitus”. Kaya S, Tsuprun V, Hizli O, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Quantitative Assessment of Cochlear Histopathologic Findings in Patients with Suppurative Labyrinthitis. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 142(4):264-9, 2016.

457. “Cochlear changes in Serous Labyrinthitis associated with Silent Otitis Media: A human temporal bone study”. Kaya S, Tspurun V, Hizli O, Schachern PA, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Am J Otolaryngol 37(2):83-8, 2016. PMCID:PMC4785270

458. “Effects of intralabyrinthine hemorrhage on the cochlear elements: A human temporal bone Study”. Kaya S, Hizli O, Schachern PA, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 37(2):132-6, 2016.

459. “Stria vascularis and cochlear hair cell changes in syphilis: A human temporal bone study” Hizli O, Kaya S, Hizli P, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S.. Auris Nasus Larynx 43(6):614-9, 2016. PMCID:PMC4976050

460. “Vascular Findings in the Cochlea in Cases with Presbycusis: A Histopathologic Temporal Bone Study” Kurata N, Schachern PA, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S.. JAMA Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery 142(2):173-8, 2016.

461. “Histopathologic ear findings of syphilis: a temporal bone study”. Hizli O, Hizli P, Kaya S, Monsanto RD, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S.. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 273(9):2443-9, 2016.

462. “ Quantitative assessment of vestibular otopathology in otosclerosis: A temporal bone study”. Hizli O, Kaya S, Schachern PA, Kwon G, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S.. Laryngoscope 126(3):E118-22, 2016. PMCID:PMC4755806

463. “Quantitative Vestibular Labyrinthine Otopathology in Temporal Bones with Vestibular Schwannoma”. Hizli O, Cureoglu S, Kaya S, Schachern PA, Paparella MM, Adams ME. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 154(1):150-6, 2016.

464. “Asymptomatic hydrops in a case with otosclerosis”.Kaya S, Karasen S, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 37(1):e5-e6, 2016. PMCID:PMC4675672

465. “Neutrophil Extracellular traps and fibrine in Otitis Media. Analysis of human and Chinchilla TBs” Schachern PA, Tsuprun V, Ferrieri P, Briles DE, Goetz S, Cureoglu S, Paparella MM. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 143(10):990-995, 2017.

466. “ Secondary Endolymphatic Hydrops”. Ferster AP, Cureoglu S, Keskin N, Paparella MM, Isildak H Otol Neurotol. 38(5): 774-779, 2017

467. “Changes in the inner ear structures in cystic fibrosis patients”. Pauna HF, Monsanto RC, Kurata N, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 92:108-114, 2017

468. “Does Otosclerosis affect Dark and transitional cells in the human vestibular labyrinth?” Kaya S, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 38(2):234-238, 2017

469. “Deterioration of vestibular Cells in Labyrinthitis” Kaya S, Schachern PA, Tsuprun V, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S.. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol 126(2):89-95, 2017

470. “The surgical challenge of carotid artery and Fallopian canal dehiscence in chronic ear disease: a pitfall for endoscopic approach”. Pauna HF, Monsanto RC, Schachern PA, Costa SS, Kwon G, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S.. Clin Otolaryngol 42(2):268-274, 2017.

471. “A 3-D analysis of the protympanum in human temporal bones with chronic ear disease.” Pauna HF, Monsanto RC, Schachern P, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 274(3):1357-1364, 2017.

472. “A three-dimensional analysis of the endolymph drainage system in Meniere’s disease”. Monsanto RD, Pauna HF, Kwon G, Schachern PA, Tsuprun V, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Laryngoscope 127(5):E170-E175, 2017.

473. “ Peripheral vestibular pathology in Mondini dysplasia”. Kaya S, Hizli O, Kaya FK, Monsanto RD, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Laryngoscope. 2017 Jan;127 (1):206-209. Pubmed PMID: 270756494

474. “ Does Otosclerosis Affert Dark and Transitional Cells in the Human Vestibular Labyrinth”. Kaya S, Paparella, MM, Cureogly S. Otol Neurotol. 2017 Feb; 38(2):234-238. PMCID: PMC5222754.

475. “Histopathologic Changes of Human Vestibular Epithelia in Intralabyrinthine Hemorrhage”. Kaya S, Paparella MM, Cureroglu S. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2017; 126(6):445-450. PMID: 28436246.

476. “ Progression of changes in the sensorial elements of the cochlear and peripheral vestibular systems: The otitis media continuum” Monsanto RCD, Schachern P, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S, Penido NO. Hearing Research 351:2-10, 2017 PMID:28578877.

477. “Neutrophil Extracellular traps and fibrine in Otitis Media. Analysis of human and Chinchilla Temporal Bones”. Schachern PA, Tsuprun V, Ferrieri P, Briles DE, Goetz S, Cureoglu S, Paparella MM JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 143(10):990-995, 2017.

478. “Histopathology of tympanic membranes from patients with ventilation tubes”. Oktay MF, Tansuker HD, Fukushima H, Paparella MM, Schachern PA, Cureoglu S. Auris Nasus Larynx 45(3):427,432, 2018. PIMID:28774486.

479. “Evidence Against the Mucosal traction Theory in Cholesteaoma”. Pauna HF, Monsanto RC, Schachern P, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Laryngoscope 128(7): 1663-1667, 2018.

480. “Structural Analysis of Tensor Tympani Muscle, Tympanic diaphragm, Epitympanum, and protympanum in Meniere’s disease: A Human Temporal Bone Study”. Azuma T, Nogaki T, Schachern P, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 39(4):499-505, 2018.

481. “Histopathology of Inner Ear Malformations: Potential Pitfalls for Cochlear Implantation.” Monsanto RDC, Sennaroglu L, Uchiyama M, Sancak IG, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 40(8): e839-e846, 2019.

482. “Quantitative assessment of vestibular otopathology in granulomatosis with polyangitis.” Nogaki T, Keskin N, Azuma T, Paparella MM, Nadol JB, Cureoglu S. Laryngoscope Investig Otolaryngol 3(6):473-477, 2018.

483. “Bilateral Glomus tympanicum tumors: Human Temporal bone Study.” Fukushima H, Hara H, Paparella MM, Oktay MF, Schachern PA, Cureoglu S. Clin Pract 8(3): 1035, 2018.

484. “Otopathology in the United States: History, Current Situation, and future perspectives.” Monsanto RDC, Pauna HF, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 39(9):1210-1214, 2018.

485. “Quantitative Assessment of Inner Ear Histopathologic Findings in Partial Trisomy of 13.” Monsanto RDC, Uchiyama M, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 40(8): e854-e857, 2019.

486. “ Cochleosaccular (Scheibe) dysplasia in dogs: A temporal bone study.” Keskin N, Albasan H, Sancak IG, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Can J Vet res. 83(1): 11-16, 2019.

487. “Cytomegalovirus-induced pathology in human temporal bones with congenital and acquired infection.” Tsuprun V, Keskin N, Schleiss MR, Schachern P, Cureoglu S. Am J Otolaryngol 40(6): 102270, 1-7, 2019.

488. “A Structural Analysis of Tympanic Compartments of the Middle Ear in Patients with Down’s Syndrome: A Temporal Bone Study.” Nogaki T, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Otol Neurotol 41(8): 1149-1157, 2020.

489. “Cochlear turns measurements in patients with meningitis: A histopathological study.” Pauna HF, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S, Hyppolito MA. Laryngoscope Investig. Otolaryngol 5(3):506-510, 2020.

490. “Quantitative assessment of cochlear and vestibular ganglion neurons in temporal bones with chronic otitis media.” Monsanto RDC, Penido NO, Uchiyama M, Schachern P, Paparella MM, Cureoglu S. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 278(2): 331-338, 2021.


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